Monday, August 08, 2005

No rest

I know some critics will point out that I didn't blog yesterday. However, the lack of a post does not corrololate with a lack of thinking. I thought about Iraq at least twice yesterday and was simply uneligible to find time to post. But I got my thinking in.

Plus, it was Sunday, and even the Big Guy took a day of rest.

Since I did have at least two thoughts, that takes care of yesterday and today. So, I thought (1) they tell me it's going to take more US troops to keep progress on its feet going down the right tracks in Iraq (almost a rhyme!), and (2) aren't they done with that constitutional thing yet? (this might be a question, but Mom burned into my skull the importance of asking, question-wise).

Plus, there was a sandstorm in Bagdad. So, there's at least three right there in only two days.